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Last edited: 03-Jun-2022
Refresh age: 873 days old
Edited by: Alan Powell
Content id: 34359823181

Page Status

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Letter Status Content state
A Approved The content has completed all workflows and is published on the Web site.
O Checked Out Currently being edited and has not been checked in.
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P Pending Go Live Date Content has been published but the Go Live date hasn’t occurred yet.

Page Properties

Content Properties
Content id: 34359823181
Content title: Industrias y Servicios
Alias: /industrias-servicios/
CMS path: www.intertek.com.ec/Industries/_Tier One/
Last to edit: Alan Powell Creation Date: 14-Nov-2020 11:34 AM
Last edit date: 03-Jun-2022 04:15 PM Start date: [None Specified]
Searchable: True End date: [None Specified]
Page language: Spanish (Ecuador) End date action: [None Specified]
Smart form: _Content - Tier One Approval method: [None Specified]
Template: detail.aspx Approver: [None Specified]

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Industrias y Servicios